Arthea Wallpapers 1.9

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Arthea Wallpapers 에 대한 설명

Any setup starts with a proper wallpaper. The image you see on your homescreen creates main atmosphere of a theme you want to achieve

With Arthea this aspect is elevated to a whole new level. Thanks to custom-crafted designs with precisely picked color palletes your Android has vivid, highly aesthetic base on which you can build the dream setup!

- elevating homescreen experience with incredible wallpapers
- some wallpapers with pitch-black backgrounds to take full advantage of OLED displays
- bespoke color palletes in each wallpaper
- visual diversity organized into in-app collections
- 300+ unique designs

Arthea is for personal use only. Any unauthorized redistribution is highly restricted. Please respect the work of any Android developer


Update 1.9

- app icon redesigned

Arthea Wallpapers 링크 최신버전

apk 다운로드 - 5 MB

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