IVA-Payment Application 3.0.1

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IVA-Payment Application 에 대한 설명

IVA is a free, user-friendly mobile payment application that provides highly secure access to a wide range of payment services such as bill payment (with text line and barcode scanning), mobile recharge, different types of bill payment, card to card money transfer, traffic fines inquiry and payment, charitable donations, etc. Moreover within this comprehensive platform, promotions such as rewards are offered based on users activities.
IVA app is a secure payment solution and as a payment application doesn't take any responsibility of any sort in case of service abuse by merchants.


افزودن سرویس کارت اعتباری و نقشه پذیرندگان
رفع مشکلات گزارش شده و بهبود کلی عملکرد برنامه

IVA-Payment Application 링크 최신버전

apk 다운로드 - 38 MB

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