txtpad+ — Create txt files 3.2.3

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txtpad+ — Create txt files 에 대한 설명

txtpad+ is a convenient, simple and easy to use notepad that lets you create .txt files with extra paid features. There is nothing superfluous, just create and edit notes. Search through your txt files. In the application, there is the ability to change the text size for easy reading. Also, you can switch to the dark theme.

What is txtpad+? It's a nice notepad for your phone. With txtpad+ it is very easy to create txt files, very easy to edit txt files. txtpad+ — it is simple to use notepad that offers you light theme and dark theme to save your eyes and to save battery. This notepad also is lightweight and saves txt files with UTF-8 encoding.

❖ .txt files reader.
❖ Create .txt files.
❖ Convenient, simple, easy to use, and fast notepad for Android
❖ Clean and beautiful UI. This notepad has a clean and user-friendly interface.
❖ Customizable fonts (text size).

This paid version also includes:
❖ Dark theme
❖ Pin txt files at the top of the list, so you can always find them
❖ Search text in file
❖ No Ads

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  • txtpad+ — Create txt files 링크 최신버전

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