Zero Cleaner: clear cache 2.4 버그판

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Zero Cleaner: clear cache 에 대한 설명

Zero Cleaner contains following features:
✓ Analyze app's cache
✓ Clear cache of apps either manually or automatically
✓ History
✓ Detailed history
✓ Floating dock for easy launch

Zero Cleaner uses the Accessibility Service API
This app uses Accessibility Service API to automate the clear cache function.
No data will be collected or shared from this service.


✓ Added: Portuguese and Hungarian languages.
✓ Fixed: the issue of not detecting cache of some apps.
✓ Fixed: some other tiny bugs
✓ Updated: some text to match its functionality

Zero Cleaner: clear cache 링크 최신버전

apk 다운로드 - 7 MB

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